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21 Day Bestselling Author Platform
The 21 Day Author Platform (what's included)
Welcome! (start here)
Getting Started (what you'll learn) (26:05)
What's your website? (Feedback)
Your Bonuses (+2 courses)
New tools (lifetime access!)
Your feedback matters! (get featured)
1. How to write a heroic author platform that inspires people to love and support you
Find Your Brand (53:28)
2. How to write a book that millions of hungry readers will be hungry to buy
Write to Market (108:01)
3. How to make a beautifully designed book that people will want to sleep with
Cover Design Basics (76:55)
4. How to self-publish and distribute your book around the world for free
How to publish a book (72:47)
5. Stand out, get found, increase visibility and make your book impossible to ignore
How to get your book FOUND (82:10)
6. Get blurbs from famous people and hundreds of book reviews without begging
Get More Book Reviews (73:48)
7. How to set up a perfect author website that sells books while you sleep
Author Website Basics (52:35)
8. How to build your email list so quickly you’ll have to start culling subscribers
Email List Building (66:20)
Reader Seduction (free bonus #3!)
9. Turn readers into addicts with an email series campaign of unmissable content
Newsletter Marketing (43:22)
10. Write 10 blog posts a week that bring you thousands of new readers a day, forever
Website tactics to get traffic fast (59:28)
11. How to get famous overnight by writing guest posts for high traffic blogs
Guest Posts Branding (36:10)
12. How to get famous people with influence to promote your book for you
Influencer Marketing (41:36)
13. Test your sales funnels with advertising to see where you're losing buyers
FB & AMS Advertising (122:38)
14. Master social media to easily build your platform, charm readers and sell books
Social Media Marketing (60:31)
15. Cast a wider net: reddit, librarything, linkedin, goodreads and more
Best sites for writers (86:37)
16. Repurpose Content to double traffic and win the internet
more ways to serve your readers (85:37)
17. Generate early interest in your book by asking questions and getting feedback
Fix critical issues before you launch (70:58)
18. Identify, target and detour your target readers like bees to honey
Show up without being annoying (always add value) (158:29)
19. Make your offer more valuable with prizes, awards and incentives
Testing offers and boosting value (96:53)
20. The automatic bestseller book launch campaign that works every time
Launching your book to #1
21. Staying relevant by newsjacking current events and trends in your field
PR, etc
Case Study: Series + Boxset Launch
$10K to $100K
Setting up preorders to final book (12:28)
Email Blasts / Adstacking (22:27)
Newsletter swaps (38:53)
Making it Stick (Amazon Ads) (34:58)
Ad Campaign Boosting (bookbub+facebook) (23:19)
Ranking in Google Search Results (SEO) (23:43)
AI art, chatGPT4 and TTS Audiobook Narration
Coming soon!
Clone Yourself (13:39)
Reviving a dead book
Feeling exhausted
Total Makeover
Conclusion + Extra Resources
Teach online with
Reader Seduction (free bonus #3!)
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