New tools (lifetime access!)
I just picked up two amazing tools for authors, and I'm giving you free lifetime access as part of this course.
1. Universal book linker tool for authors (try code “1linkfree“)
2. 3D book cover creator widget for websites (try code “3Dbooksfree“)
I know it's a little weird to need a credit card to upgrade your account, but when you enter the code it'll give you lifetime access (a monthly $0 charge). These codes are only for group members of this course, so please don't share them. Right now you're one of a few dozen authors with access to a brand new tool, and isn't it great to get to play with something before everyone else is using it? They're pretty cool, so I think they'll catch on.
PS I posted tutorials on how to use them here:
- how to set up a universal book link page
- how to embed a 3D book cover mockup
Social Media Graphics
I have another tool that's pretty nice to make teaser, excerpt or review graphics.
this coupon should work for free access: