Get Expert Feedback to Launch Your Bestseller with Unmissable Book Marketing Tips and Powerful Publishing Secrets

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Everybody wants to write a book,

but actually sitting down and getting it finished is a huge challenge and commitment. And then what? How do you get people to actually read it? How do you know you're not wasting your time and money chasing an impossible dream?

The publishing industry is a mess,

and great books don’t succeed without marketing. But who has time to build a big platform or get sucked into the tarpit of social media? Self-publishing has become a billion dollar industry, but it’s a “pay-to-publish” scheme profiting off the hopes and dreams of indie authors.


Imagine if there was a

that mapped out exactly how to writing a bestselling book, while also building a platform of loyal readers - so you could launch a bestseller easily just by sending out one simple email.

Without begging friends and family for book reviews. Without hustling on social media, or spending years waiting for permission from agents or publishers (and collecting stacks of rejection letters.)

Imagine being able to just write what you love, with no stress or fear or frustration about whether your book is good enough, or whether it will earn any money – because your book already has an audience of hungry readers waiting for it.

After years of testing, a PhD in Literature and thousands of failed experiments, I figured out the core components of a radically new way for writing and publishing books readers love... I boiled down everything into an easy-to-follow, step-by-step system of just three simple steps.

Get these right and you won’t even need to market your books.
But get them wrong, and no amount of book marketing will save you!

Write books readers love

Most authors write for themselves, and then have NO IDEA who else might like their book or why they should read it.

The GP way: Respect your audience by caring what they think, and know them well enough to give them an unforgettable reading experience.

Publish books that sell

Most authors lose money, throwing away cash on expensive PR that doesn't work, and having no way to track ROI.

The GP way: position and package your book to attract readers on autopilot, and launch profitably from day one.

Launch to #1 (and stay there)

Most authors disappear into the Amazon abyss after they've exhausted all their friends and family.

The GP way: build a loyal platform of loyal readers, and tickle the Amazon algorithm to promote your book for you, so you STAY visible even when you stop marketing.

Three strikes you're out

If you’re missing any one of these, your book won’t sell – you’ll be relying on luck, crossing your fingers and tossing coins into the wishing well without ever seeing results. Self-publishing is a billion dollar industry, but almost none of the money is going to authors.

To launch bestsellers, you need three things:

1. A book readers love (and actually find)

2. Amazing book design and formatting

3. A platform of supportive readers

Screw up any one of them, and your book won’t sell no matter how much visibility you get.

The problem is, for most people, getting these things right is really difficult. HOW do you get more book reviews? What makes a bestselling cover? What kind of blurb will convert readers?

Predatory author services will charge thousands of dollars and still leave you with an unprofessional cover - and then charge even more for "marketing services" that don't work. And even with the best online course, you'd still be left to make important decisions on your own. What you need is quick feedback from an expert to resolve 95% of your problems before you hit publish. It's simply too dangerous to do anything less.


Guerrilla Publishing

The easiest and cheapest way to publish a profitable book

Launch books to #1 bestseller with my PROVEN plan

An audience of loyal readers who love to share your work


*** scroll down for a limited-time offer ***

Thanks for pouring your heart and soul into this course- it has become life changing for me! Your course broke me out of writer's block and has helped me tap back into my flow. I’ve always been somewhat hesitant to really put my writing out there because of the fear of failing but being given permission to fail and now expecting to fail my way to success has taken that paralysis away.
Jen Gilbert Make A Killing On Kindle
Oh my gosh, thank you Thank You THANK YOU! This is exactly what I needed. Step-by-step of exactly what to do. Fumbling around for the past year trying to figure out how to get reviews. This is direct, to the point, understandable! I've made a lot of mistakes on the 3 books I currently have out, and as you can guess, they're not selling. But the next I'm armed with knowledge! I'm dedicating my next book to Derek!"
JoAnn Hogenson YA Fantasy
I've learned more from you in the past few months, since becoming a student, than I have in the last five years,. Every day I give thanks, sincerely, you have given me direction and instruction on how to get to the life I have always wanted. Words will never be able to express the gratitude I have towards you.
Tom Smith Mystery Writer

A year ago I bought your course, having decided to dedicate my life to becoming an author. I did it mostly for the support because it was a big step. I never regretted it. You've been there every step of the way to provide feedback. You and the group kept me going on days when I bashed myself in the head and said "what the#^&% am I doing?"
John D Patten Spirituality
I stumbled across Guerrilla Publishing at the time I needed it most. With Derek's help, my debut settled nicely into Amazon’s top 500 overall and earned five-figures. With the release of the sequel, my income for January alone was just shy of $30,000. If you’re feeling overwhelmed in the literary world and haven’t settled onto a clear path to success, Guerrilla Publishing could change your life!
Jonas Thriller Author
I spent my last money for your course and never regretted it. It was like finding a hidden treasure and there is still so much more to discover - it's just what I needed! You should charge more.
Robyn Lumen German Author

As consultant with 30 years in advertising and marketing I am appalled at the level of ignorance and shallow thinking that so many book marketing gurus exhibit. You, however, are a peacock among common fowl. There are so few voices worth listening to in self-publishing and yours is one of them.
Michael Alvear Make A Killing On Kindle
In 10 - 15 years you will be able to be the pope of self-publishing, you will be the leader, I have been watching your career and that's what I see coming.
Serge Martin-Ruffini YA Fantasy
Thank you so much, Derek, for all the advice and help on this publishing journey. There's just no greater joy than knowing you're not alone in something and to have those who have gone ahead of you serve as guide. Thanks for pursuing your dreams because, that's why I have the confidence to pursue mine.
Tessa Smokes Mystery Writer


Guerrilla Publishing is an online course & mentorship program that will take you from zero platform to #1 bestseller in less than 90 days.

You'll get everything you need to write great books and market them with integrity, PLUS expert advice to save you time and money.


First, you'll figure out who your target audience is and what they actually want, so you can position and design your book to attract them - which will easily triple your marketing efforts. Then you'll use my writing resources and templates to double-check the most important parts of your book, to avoid amateur mistakes and strengthen the final product.

★ how to outline your book, to save months of painful revision
★ finding time to write (even if you're busy)
★ never get writer's block or procrastination again
★ market research and competition analysis
★ choosing keywords and categories for free visibility
★ instantly hook their interest so they pay attention

Second, we'll deep-dive into the principles of bestselling book design. Getting the cover right is crucial to success (even if you hire a professional designer, you may still end up with a cover that doesn't sell unless you understand why one cover performs better than another.)

I'll share templates for formatting, recommend best fonts, and also walk you through uploading your files for print and ebook distribution, and how to focus on the things that matter most.

★ cover design secrets that sell
★ how to format your own books for print and ebook
★ where to upload your files for maximum distribution
★ optimizing your Amazon page and metadata
★ mistakes that will get you blacklisted from bookstores
★ best fonts to use for every genre
★ writing a powerful blurb that seizes the imagination

Third, you'll learn how to build an email list of fans, get a bunch of reviews, and launch your book to #1 bestseller and make it an "instant classic." I'll give you the exact book launch checklist I've used to launch hundreds of books, and share the best promotional sites and strategies to get maximum visibility.

★ build an engaged email list with book giveaways
★ get book reviews without begging or buying
★ build trust and credibility with your autoresponder
★ prelaunch with promo graphics (templates included!)
★ how to get media attention (without useless press releases)
★ finding influencers who will share your launch

Fourth, you'll learn how to maintain long-term visibility by growing and automating your author platform. Hitting #1 for a day feels great in the short-term, but if you want to make a living as a writer you need your books to keep selling for months, if not years, after launch.

We'll also improve your branding and story, and get your author platform and sales growing on autopilot - so you can stop marketing and have the freedom and energy and to write books you love.

★ how to set up your author website (and what to blog about)
★ Facebook, Twitter and social media hacks
★ AMS and Facebook advertising
★ joint author promos and content marketing
★ how to hit the USA Today or NYT bestseller lists


From no idea to published author in just 90 days, with my bestseller blueprint and exclusive step-by-step system

I spent months recording detailed videos breaking down my entire process, and answering every publishing question I could think of. I included step-by-step strategies showing you exactly what to do, so you never have to worry about "what's next."

Banish the Overwhelm

Stop spinning your wheels. This self-publishing and book marketing masterclass has everything you need to finish and launch your bestseller and fund your next big idea.

We've helped hundreds of authors achieve LIFE-CHANGING results... now it's your turn.

I have never followed anyone that comes across as genuine as you are. I don't trust people easily as I am naturally skeptical, but you are different. You have proven yourself again and again. I used to follow some other well-known self-publishing gurus until I eventually learned that they didn't care if I succeeded or not. Any time I talk with anyone about writing, publishing, or creating, I mention you and your approach. You are THAT good.
David Lawrence Middle Grade Scifi
Tons of value in this course! Just the author platform audit is worth a lot, since it's coming from an author with a PhD in Literature, and the experience and sales proof to back up what he teaches. One of the BEST WRITING COURSES available.
Cory Reynolds Young Adult Author
The indie publishing information business can sleazy. I stumbled on Derek later than sooner, but live and learn. I am VERY IMPRESSED by the breadth of his knowledge and his willingness to share. He’s the real deal. Not some internet marketing dude. He's proven his worth and value time after time, and I am fine spending money on any course he puts out. If he’s selling something, I’m buying it.
Tari Akpodiete Journalist

Derek Murphy offers a refreshing, honest perspective in the indie author business. I consume everything he puts out as fast as it becomes available. It's comprehensive, timely, and real. I do a lot of coordinating with groups of authors, both online in the Romance author community and in my local area. People always ask me "WHERE DO I BEGIN?" and among the short list of things that make up my response to that question, Derek Murphy is one of them.
Nicole R. Locker Contemporary Romance
This course has it all. It covers every aspect of self-publishing, from your initial book idea to book launch and marketing. I followed Derek's advice, redesigned an underperforming title and saw a MARKED INCREASE in downloads. I'm already seeing more traffic coming my way. I would definitely recommend this course over many others costing more than twice as much.
Shaun L. Griffiths YA fantasy
Both series popped within an hour of going live on Amazon and sold double what they had previously this month. Yesterday was the best sales day of the month so far in all my books. And that was just the first day. I did ZERO PROMOTIONS for any of this. Today is shaping up to be even better. You are a breath of fresh air in this business, and I'll keep up with the course and implement some of it. It has already given me value back.
Douglas Clegg NYT Bestselling Author

I wish I'd known about you and all this wonderful material several years ago. I feel like I FINALLY HAVE A ROADMAP that will lead me to the success I've been striving for. My "to do" list for fixing my books so they'll start converting to sales keeps growing with all of your ideas.
Ida Smith Thriller Author
I just wanted to say thank you for the resources and the great information. By following your advice I've stablized my sales, redone my covers, and am about to have my MOST SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH yet for my third book. Since I've gobbled up all of your info, I've become a much better stwear of my fiction.
Casey Calouette Military Scifi
Derek, thank you so much for sharing your learnings. You are a genius! Thanks to you I worked on a marketing strategy that helped my book be a #1 BESTSELLER last week. Please keep sharing because it makes a difference.
Norka Parodi Real Estate Writer

As a new indie author with one unsuccessful book launch, I needed a way forward. Cue Derek Murphy, the Creativ-Indie. I could have spent hours poring the internet and refining my methods, but why would I when it is all in one place? And that's what the Guerrilla Publishing course is - EVERYTHING NEEDED to produce and release a book, all in one place. I'm hugely excited about moving forward and putting all this into action.
James Hockley Dark Fantasy
Man, your courses have so much detail, and so many GREAT IDEAS! And the videos...I have to constantly pause and write stuff down, then I go back and rewatch several times. This course is the juiciest marketing/publishing course I've ever taken, and I've been through a few. Thanks for what you do!
J.K. Campbell Middle Grade Fiction
When it comes to self publishing, there are a vast number of resources out there. However, for those who have struggled for years without finding success, you need a practical guide. Derek Murphy’s course will teach you how to write the books and then, market them in the right places. Without that KEY STRATEGY, the books fail despite the amount you spend marketing it. He should be charging more, but he seems to be the kind of guy that wants to help and goes all out.
Ginny Clyde Paranormal Romance


Take control of your publishing, bypass the gatekeepers, and actually earn a living with your writing.

Guerrilla Publishing is about long-term, strategic action, and being nimble enough to out-maneuver large publishing houses. It’s about satisfying your readers, so you can build up a massive fanbase that’s hungry for your next release.

Is that it? Of course not...

Knowledge is useless unless you take action.

You might be thinking, I don't have time for more courses. That's why I give personal feedback and attention to every single student in my course, along with a private mastermind for support and community, and an arsenal of publishing tools, checklists, templates and resources that will save you time and money.



We've built systems to make sure you get the support and encouragement you need.

No author left behind

If you've been writing for awhile, you might know that staying motivated and positive can be challenging, and there's so much to learn about, getting a handle on your book marketing may feel overwhelming and exhausting.

Maybe you've even bought courses before, but couldn't figure it all out and didn't want to say anything. I don't want this to be a course you buy and don't use. That's why I've built Guerrilla Publishing with three main components

Join today and you'll get...

All Four Modules

Guerrilla Publishing includes a 12-week plan to write, publish and launch a bestselling book, with everything you need to hit #1 and create a steady stream of passive income.

Workbook & Bootcamp

A guided email series that will help you achieve the 24 simple, specific tasks in the companion workbook. You'll be encouraged to share your results, and also earn rewards for taking action, so you stay motivated.

Coaching & Community

Being around other successful authors who care about you and your dream can have a huge impact on productivity and motivation. So I've set up a private Facebook community with weekly check-ins so you can't fail.

Publishing changes quickly, and it's a struggle to stay caught up - so, when you sign up today you'll get 3 months of intensive coaching and feedback, plus a full year's access to the insider circle.

You'll also get the newest, cutting-edge book marketing hacks I discover BEFORE anybody else. If you’re the first in your genre or topic to use these, you’ll have a massive advantage.

With dozens of lessons, exclusive supplemental content, case studies and examples, this course is far more than just a video series. You'll be encouraged to connect with other authors, participate in daily challenges and check in with a weekly progress report.

We'll try to give you quick wins, so you can see results right away - and remember, I'll be there to help you, each step of the way, in the private group for advice, support and encouragement, so you never feel alone, clueless or frustrated.



In a few short weeks, you could publish a book that succeeds beyond your wildest hopes, and enjoy the positive feeling of having finally achieved your dreams!

How would it feel to...

Be the envy of your friends and the pride of your family
Do a signing at your local bookstore
Get fan mail from readers raving about your book
Have people thank you for changing their lives
Introduce yourself as a bestselling author
Finish your book, so you can start something new

What's it going to cost me?

A few months ago, an author reached out because they'd been offered a publishing "deal" for $25,000 and wanted to get my feedback. I told him I could do all the same things, for a fraction of the price. But I refused, because I knew that long-term, those things only sounded good on paper.

Most authors spend an average of $2500, just for publishing (covers, editing, formatting) and then another $5K for marketing… and almost always unprofitably. The question is, do you want to spend 5 years spending money slowly, watching your motivation and enthusiasm drain away due to lack of sales and momentum? Until you’re desperate enough to give up?

OR you could make a decision right now, to make a different choice. To do better the first time around. (Many authors find me *after* they've already wasted tons of time and money - don't make that mistake!). If you're shopping around for book marketing courses, you'll know that I priced mine competitively... at least on the surface.

But when you factor in that coaching or mentorship often cost thousands of dollars, or the bonuses down below that we haven't even gotten to yet, you'll understand why Guerrilla Publishing is actually a steal. I've actually had people tell me it seems "too good to be true" - but I refuse to raise prices or remove all of the bonuses, because I want you to get as much value as possible.

That said, this is an exclusive deal that's only meant for the people who have already gone through all my free books and materials, so spots are limited and you won't see this offer again. This is your only chance to get all the bonuses listed on this page.

Regular Price: 997 | You save: $500

Publish bestsellers the easy way... become a full-time author without spending all your time marketing or promoting your books.




Don’t wait! If you come back tomorrow, the price may be higher,
and I can’t guarantee how long the doors to this will even be open.

Ps. Don't forget, this is just for the main course and coaching, scroll down to see all of the other stuff that's included for a limited time!



Succeed faster with these valuable extras!

Join today you'll also get access to over $2817 in exclusive bonuses.

If you join today, you'll also get some limited-time bonuses and done-for-you services that will make this publishing bundle pay for itself again and again.


Most marketing courses ignore the fact that a poorly designed book will KILL sales.

Save time and money with my templates and in-depth book design tutorials, and you'll also get a package of promotional graphics for ads and social media.



My first course, Reach Your Readers, is about blogging and building up organic traffic for long-term sales.

You'll also get a course bundle on author platform basics, which will help you set up your author website, start building your email list and master personal branding so you can quickly build your fanbase.

I'll also give you access to my new course, the 21 Day Bestselling Author Platform. You could just go buy these courses separately, for $297 each... but why would you?



I talk a lot about using book giveaways to grow a list of ideal readers, but I didn't want you to have to buy the expensive giveaway software I've been using.

So I developed my own. You'll get it, along with ANOTHER course on building a list of engaged fans, which will help you captivate the hearts and minds of your audience (this is so important for book reviews and long term sales!)



After launching Guerrilla Publishing, I realized most people got stuck on the writing stage - so made a brand new course on how to organize, structure and plot your book to make sure readers love it. This will save SO much time and money on book editing.

If you join today I'll also give you an in-depth, editorial critique of your first 5 pages, whenever you're ready for feedback.


Why am I giving you all this? Because I know you're going to need it. I'd rather have you get everything at once, instead of buying each course individually (even though I'd make a lot more money that way). You get lifetime access to all these resources, so they'll be there exactly when you need them most.


Why buy another course that just does ONE of these, when you can join Guerrilla Publishing and get everything you need?

It doesn't matter how good your book is if you can't get anyone to read it. That means getting clear about the audience, and positioning the most appealing benefits in a way that resonates with your readers.

Need more help?

UPGRADE TO SHAKESPEARE - only 1 spots left

Sales & Market Analysis

Make it easy for readers to find you! We’ll identify the right market for your book, and suggest the keywords and categories to help readers find your books online. SEO experts will help position so that it gets discovered organically on Amazon or Google. Then I will personally edit or rewrite your all-important blurb, using keyword research to help tease out the main benefits of your book.

$349 VALUE

Author Platform Review

Join today and I'll personally review your author platform, identify why your books aren't selling and how to increase conversion. We'll create a stylish author brand that will attract your audience, so you can look and feel more confident about your website.

$349 VALUE

You'll also get a list of one hundred keywords and comparison titles, and a simple premade or $250 coupon for cover design.

If you join today I'll even include an in-depth, editorial critique of your first 3 chapters (up to 5000 words), whenever you're ready for feedback. I usually charge 6 cents per word for developmental editing, so this bonus alone is worth $300.

That’s on top of the 3 months of intensive coaching and full year of access to my private Facebook community, so you can get quick support and feedback whenever you need it.

Upgrade to Shakespeare and get all these bonuses for $997.


Regular Price: 997 | You save: $500

Sell more books with less time and effort, so you can focus on writing instead of marketing.




SPACES LIMITED: Because of the amount of time I spend with each author, I only let 5 writers a month join Guerrilla Publishing. There are only 2 spots left before I remove the bonuses you see on this page.

Join now to avoid disappointment.

While Guerrilla Publishing will absolutely make everything easier, and is the fastest and easiest way to write and publish a bestselling book, it’s not a magic wand or a silver bullet: it’s going to take long-term effort and dedication.

Is this right for you?
I'll tell you a secret, I'm a writer, not a marketer. So my resources are unpolished, and maybe even a little unprofessional. Other people have slick systems and hordes of affiliates. I focus on creating valuable content. It's a little rough, but that's why I package so much together into bundles, so you can get the best deal. And I doubt you'll find another course anywhere on the Internet that has as many positive reviews and testimonials as mine.

But the truth is, all I can do is try my best to help, and if for any reason I can't get you results, I'll refund you 100%. It's that simple.

I just wanted to thank you for your amazing videos, they have helped me immensely. Your voice is so calm, so kind and ENCOURAGING, and I have learned so much from you. Following your advice, my book reached the top 100 in paid Kindle books overall, it was number 84 I believe or something, which I'm so grateful for.
MC Frank Romance Author
I've done several introductory courses, but Derek's take the cake. The way he goes through his process by video gives a HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE I've seen nowhere else. He has a ton of stuff you can actually use that I haven't heard other people talking much about. He shows how to build a network between your website, social media presence, blog posts, graphics and video. He's given me the tools to build and lent a hand himself, and my platform is growing each moment.
Azalea Dabill YA Fantasy
Like so many authors out there, I felt like I was drowning when it came to marketing, and struggling with how to find my audience. Your videos and lessons are just what I needed. Rather than gloss over the 'big picture' stuff needed to progress, you break down steps into MANAGEABLE OBJECTIVES and give your students actual examples from your experience. So helpful!
Joni Green Mystery Writer

I have learned more about self publishing from you than many others. You present your information in very precise ways with examples that are EASILY UNDERSTOOD. I'm thinking of changing my title, the book description, and cover for my first book of a trilogy before I relaunch it. Thanks so much!
Irene Vincent Spirituality
Derek, you are without a doubt a FORCE OF NATURE, awakened at exactly the right moment in our evolution. You've inspired me to let the energy flow. More energy to you my helpful partner.
Doug New Inspirational Poet
You are the yoda of indie publishing. With your advice I put my book on the bestseller list for more than a week. My target audience are now die hard fans, who gave FIVE STAR reviews. The point is, you have helped me turn my writing into a livable income. I owe you and really cherish the advice that I've received."
William Miller Thrillers

I am publishing my first book!

I have 1000+ newsletter subscribers, 25 ARC readers with reviews already coming in, and I am still two months away from launch! Derek helped turn my covers into reader catnip, get my blurbs to hook, and connect with fans through my newsletter.

"As a newbie writer with several halfway done manuscripts but no experience publishing, I was overwhelmed with everything I had to learn to structure, publish, and market my books on a shoestring budget. I’ve read countless how-to articles but I had information overload and didn’t know where to start and in what order. Then I found this course and let out a breath of relief! Guerrilla Publishing was what I needed: a course that guides me step-by-step through the process, so that I don’t have to figure out what to do next. Everything is spelled out for me by someone who has successfully done it before. The lifetime access to all the instructional videos is great because I can go at my own pace, there’s no deadline, and the information is available to me not just for a year but for forever. I tagged Derek with a question once and his answer saved me over $400.

- Veronique Line, Christian self-help and relationship

"If you are an indie author or otherwise with limited resources, little to no knowledge of the publishing industry, or are wondering how to format and market your work, you should seriously consider taking Derek Murphy’s Guerrilla Publishing online course. I learned a ton from Derek’s course about sales, retention, reviews, publishing, marketing, formatting, and assorted software that make my life easier while trying to do all of the above. I not only found his information vital while formatting the interior of my upcoming romance novel, the loads of helpful material about book cover design (this was one of my favorite sections) and marketing without being spammy was also extremely useful. In addition, he shares his detailed knowledge on launching a new book, which I intend to review again when I’m finally ready to launch. All the extras found in the course make purchasing the full package worthwhile. The educational value is definitely worth the cost."

- Jamie Schulz,

Everything an author needs to know!

Whether you’re writing fiction, nonfiction, beginner or advanced, this is definitely the right course.

"I've worked with thousands of authors to help them nail their story and market their books, and I always refer them to Derek Murphy's work. Derek has the most creative ideas for marketing books. He draws from his previous background as a cover designer, blogger, and internet marketer to bring fresh techniques and tactics to the book industry. More importantly, he tests everything he teaches with his books and gets serious results! What I love about Derek is that he believes first and foremost in giving value to the world. He has given so much of his resources and time to the communities he builds, and he really cares about helping each person make progress. Derek is the type of person who way overdelivers on everything he does. He works hard to help people find success and will do the same for you."

- Monica Leonelle, The World Needs Your Book

Finding you is like taking a breath of fresh air after hiding from my plague of fears and disasters for so long. You are the very reason hopeful innocents like me are able to CONTINUE DREAMING and striving to make dreams a reality.
Thia licona Inspirational Writer
Derek is a wonderful instructor, intriguing storyteller, and a SUPERB MENTOR. Even to old guys like myself.
Dave Powell Historical Fiction
If there are others out there like me who have consumed all your AMAZING DATA as fast as we can hunt for it, self-publishing is about to get a lot more interesting and a lot more competitive.
Nick Koff Non-fiction

"Having published my first book traditionally, I wanted to try my hand at self-publishing for my second book but I quickly discovered there is so much more to it than just listing a book on Amazon. It's overwhelming! If that's how you feel, too, then Guerrilla Publishing is exactly what you need. Derek's down-to-earth style makes complicated topics easy to understand. The entire process of self-publishing is broken down into small, achievable steps. You'll receive every bit of your money's worth in this course and much more. The Facebook community is icing on the cake. I can ask any question and get an answer. No more walking in the dark for me! Thanks, Derek, for a truly awesome course. I am so happy that I decided to join. I don't know where I would be without it.

- Kelly Langston, Author of 40 Prayers for Perilous Times

The prevalence of your many topics, the plentiful resources, and the imagination of the time that you must have put into establishing this is astonishing. Please, keep flourishing with love the insights that are so complimentary to inspire authors, and readers.
Ronald Walker Western Thrillers
I have learned a massive amount since finding you. You are not selfish, and I like your attitude. I am drinking up everything I can that you send out. Your passion and love for writing is the driver. And, man, you are an inspiration. Your energy is contagious! Thank you so, So, SO much.
Lori Ward Children's Books
If there are others out there like me who have consumed all your amazing data as fast as we can hunt for it, self-publishing is about to get a lot more interesting and a lot more competitive.
Nick Koff Non-fiction

Derek Murphy is simply the best in the cover design world. I'm a co-founder of a publishing company and recently hired a new cover designer. The first "training" I did was take him directly to Derek's portfolio.
Matt Stone ArchangelInk
Derek, thank you again for spending some time on the Will It Fly stuff - it's been a crazy journey and we're almost ready to launch! I can't express how much your designs helped in shaping the conversation around what the book cover eventually turned into. Thank you, seriously, for your help.
Pat Flynn Smart Passive Income
One of the most critical things for the success of a book is a cover design that catches the eye and makes the reader want to try it. Derek designed several professional covers for my own books and I can recommend his design skills highly.
Joanna Penn TheCreativePenn


Stop wasting time & money on USELESS book promotion tactics!

to selling more books is...

NOT to pay for more visibility or publicity: first you need to figure out how to communicate value in an emotionally and culturally relevant way. You have to make your book matter, quickly. So they'll listen to what you have to say.

Don't let another year go by without making progress towards your dream. Build an author platform that sells books on autopilot.

It's not too late...

No matter where you are on your publishing journey, either “I’d like to write a book someday but I’m not sure what to write” or “I’m stuck in the middle of my first book” or “I have a dozen books out but they’re not selling” – Guerrilla Publishing’s unique step-by-step step roadmap is ONLY solution you need to make a living as a writer.

Regular Price: 997 | You save: $500

If you want to publish successfully, without the overwhelm, frustration and insecurity most authors face... this is for you.



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Sign up and dig into the materials. If you aren't excited about your progress over the next three months, just let me know - if I can't help you see results, I'll refund your money.

No hassle. Just your money back.


Get the confidence you need to launch your book successfully, and avoid amateur mistakes that can kill sales.

Courses Included with Purchase

Bestseller Blueprint: Write Books That Sell
Writing prompts, outlines and templates for fiction and non-fiction authors. Write books so good you'll need to swat fans away like flies.
2 Course Bundle
How to Build an Author Platform that Sells Thousands of Books on Autopilot
Derek Murphy
Reader Seduction (Your First 1000 Fans)
Powerful list building strategies and an exclusive book giveaway tool that will help you reach your first 1000 email subscribers FAST
Derek Murphy
21 Day Bestselling Author Platform
The Publishing Road Map that Will Help You Launch a Bestseller in Just Three Weeks (even if you HATE book marketing)
Derek Murphy
DIY Book Formatting for Print and Ebook
Includes Word and InDesign Templates!
Derek Murphy
Cover Design Secrets that Sell
Includes Book Design Templates!
Derek Murphy

Original Price: $1,122

Get Started Now

About Derek Murphy

For the past several years, my wife and I have been able to travel full-time, living in beautiful locations and speaking at writing conferences around the world. It's amazing to wake up full of purpose and enthusiasm and work on my creative projects.

I have a PhD in Literature and have been featured in CNN for running writing retreats in castles. More importantly, I'm a full time writer (both fiction and non-fiction), which means I'm launching books of my own and will always stay three steps ahead of the market to make sure my books continue to sell.

The truth is I'm still pretty awkward about selling things, but I'm great at what I do, and people are usually surprised by my level of attention. If you're still uncertain, go back and read all the reviews and testimonials on this page.

How is this different?

I get it, there are tons of "book marketing" courses out there. And to be honest, most (good) courses will say similar things. Unfortunately, the vast majority of authors fail because they refuse to listen to anybody. And then claim the system is rigged against them.

Also I'm extremely talkative, so even though my course has 3x the material, for less than what others charge, that doesn't automatically make it better. However, there's a reason my courses continue to be so popular: I'm not just some internet marketing dude - I've been publishing for over a decade and have sold 100,000 copies, and continue to make a few thousand bucks a month from book sales with barely any marketing.

But that doesn't matter either: just because someone sold a lot of books, doesn't mean they understand why or can really teach it to others. You want to know, will this work for you?

The short answer is, absolutely - because this course includes personal feedback, and in just a few minutes, I can tell you exactly what to fix so you will see an instant boost in sales. I've already done this for hundreds of students, and the ones who have gone through the course have seen results (read all the testimonials to get a sense of just how much value clients received from me; often much more than they expected).

But the long answer is, there are no shortcuts, and not all books will succeed. I can't *make* your book a bestseller if nobody enjoys reading it, and anyone who promises you otherwise is full of crap. That said, book marketing doesn't have to be awkward or uncomfortable. In fact, 95% of the “book marketing” actually takes place before you publish. It's about finding the value in your work, and communicating the benefits in a way that makes people beg for a copy.

As a book cover designer and someone who's spent a lifetime teaching teaching the craft of writing (with millions of views on YouTube), I have a unique set of skills and can be more helpful than just about anyone else in the industry. I also have an uncanny skill at discovering the core value of your project and figuring out the best way to make it enticing to your audience. Sometimes one perfect, creative pitch is enough to turn the tide, and go from failure to favorite.

Ps. I know it can be confusing and overwhelming to try and compare courses, so if it's simpler, think of it this way: $497 is a reasonable consulting fee for someone with my credentials and experience. I could have just slapped together a very simple page with a buy button and *only* offered a one-time coaching session. So you can ignore everything else I've put together for you and just focus on that - real feedback, fast results, you're only paying for my time. If you want to hire me for advice or bounce ideas around, I'm your guy. But I'm only available through this program, because I want to make sure you get a ton of resources I know will come in handy later, even if you don't think you need them.

Still not convinced? Read these.

Got Questions?

Will this really help me sell more books?
YES. Why? There are three secrets to selling books. Most other courses focus on basic book marketing advice that EVERYBODY else is already doing, and they avoid the uncomfortable fact that 90% of authors are trying to sell books that nobody wants. This is the ONLY course that focuses on writing books for a specific audience, so you know exactly how to design, position and package your book to attract your ideal readers. Plus you'll find dozens of innovative strategies nobody else is even talking about yet.
Does it really work?
Absolutely. These are the strategies I used to...
- Build a list of 35K fans
- Sell 20,000 book and get 100K downloads
- Get nearly 1000 book reviews
- Become a full-time writer in less than two years

But it isn't a magic bullet. If you've written a book for a very small audience, and they don't like it, this course won't fix the core problem - but it can help make sure your NEXT book is much more successful.
Will it work for fiction/nonfiction/poetry/kid's books?
I've designed this course with both fiction and non-fiction authors in mind. I've successfully published both, and have helped design launch books in ALL genres. No matter what kind of books you write, this course will you connect with your audience, get more visibility and build a platform for your writing.
When does the course start and finish?
It starts as soon as you join; we have a structured learning experience set up but you'll have lifetime access to the course materials as well, plus up to ONE YEAR of support and feedback (we understand that writing and publishing is a long-term effort).
Why should I trust you?
I've been putting out free templates, tutorials and videos to help writers self-publish for the past decade. My resources get thousands of downloads a month and I'm up to nearly a million views on YouTube. But forget all that. More importantly, people like and trust me, because I'm a boy scout at heart and my purpose is to serve. I also care too much about what people think of me, so I give WAY more than I charge for and hate letting people down. Honestly I hate selling things on the internet, but I want more authors to get high quality information so they can avoid the scams.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
There's a ton of material in my courses, but if you don't find something useful that improves your book sales, or are unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason, just let me know and I'll refund you. I'll even make you a bet: using the tips in this course will help you double your book sales in less than a year. If they don't, ask me for your money back.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited LIFETIME access to the courses and templates for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. I'll also keep adding new courses and materials into the membership area, so you'll get full access even if you bought in at a lower price.
What if I fall behind?
Twice a year we open enrollment and go through the course together, but you'll have lifetime access to the material. I understand that publishing a book is a long term effort; you'll have one year of access to the community and can get my personal help and feedback whenever you need it. You'll be able to go at your own pace, and all the resources will be ready and waiting for you.
What if I don't have a book yet?
Perfect! If you're just thinking about writing a book, I can help you find the right idea for YOUR goals, and develop it into a working outline. I can't write the book for you, but I can make it much easier with structure and guidance.
Can't you do all this for me?
Unfortunately no - for long term success, YOU must engage with your own audience and learn how to master your own publishing. However I will recommend things you can (and should) outsource.
How's it work?
Lessons will be delivered to your inbox over the course of 12 weeks, and we'll check in and make sure you're getting value. Within 90 days, you should be able to have your book on Amazon and hit #1 in your category.